Monday, June 11, 2012

Solo Exhibition of Past and Present Works

My solo exhibition is up at the Great  Northwest Library, Wellwood at Grissom.  It will run through June with a "Meet the Artist" session on Saturday, June 16th, from 10:30a.m. - 12 noon in the meeting room.  I will be happy to answer questions on what inspired me to paint a certain painting, technique, or just simply watch me paint with pastels.  I have 20 paintings up, reflecting my progress through the years.  It's very interesting as I can see the change in my painting technique and you might find interesting, too.

Recently I overworked my right wrist with yardwork, garden projects, painting, and have to use a brace, which means I have to give it a rest.  What to do?  Paint with your left hand!  I will demonstrate both at the demo since I can't use my right hand too much.  When I started painting with my left, it's like there was another artist inside, well, you'll see my left-handed paintings at the library.  Look for Garden Tots, Steer Among Us, and Old Magnolia. The whole left-handed thing has really inspired me!